Saturday, October 16, 2004

Doubt is Truth

There is nothing absolute that can be comprehended, written down and taught as a dogma to others who are to follow blindly. Insight into reality means a thousand monks. A thousand religions. The number of neural connections in our brains outnumber the stars in the known universe. In terms of complexity, we have entire universes inside of our heads, and it is a hell of a task to explore even our own mental capacities and our own psyche. We can learn from the experience of our elders. We can be pointed out paths by Masters and show possible directions to those who are younger than us. We must not forget however to remind them to verify what we teach for we may be mistaken ourselves. At the same time we also must constantly verify what we were taught and we must not cease to question our own view of the world, for very often things are not what they seem and our own perceptions are based upon misleading illusions and manipulations. It is not easy. I do believe that an all encompassing reality does exists, yet it may well be possible that humans will never be able to comprehend it. All impression already is interpretation, and all interpretation depends on a myriad of interconnected factors. Tolerance and openness are at the heart of it all - and so are the willingness to ask the right questions as well as listen to the answers, even if they may be unexpected or even unpleasant. The old Buddhist/Taoist Masters' saying that "I can show you the way, but you have to walk for yourself" holds true. I also like the Taoist concept of Wu Wei in this context. Not doing. Not doing wrong, that is. If we look at the state of the world, most problems come from doing something and could be avoided by not doing them. But well - this is another topic...

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