Sunday, January 22, 2006

Who is wanted for Sept. 11?

After all this time, I am still clueless about what in detail is the background of Sept. 11. I am a physical scientist, but not a structural engineer, so I cannot evaluate the engineering arguments of this discussion. It seems unlikely to me that both both buildings would collapse in the exact same manner after different hits on different levels - if they would collapse at all.

But something else bothers me more: if I don't get anything wrong, the FBI is as clueless about the individuals behind the Sept. 11 mass murder (which it was in any case) as I am. Among the most wanted terrorists - including Bin Laden - as of today, NOT A SINGLE ONE is charged with being involved in this monstrosity. So I am afraid it significantly bothers me that the government considered the evidence strong enough to attack foreign countries and murder tens of thousands of people along the way, while the FBI possibly fears that any half bake lawyer would take the case apart in court. I will not speculate about the background of Sept. 11, but every murder in the deep province seems to be investigated more thoroughly. And I really wonder why there never was a public outcry about that!

What I find funny are all the people posting sentences like "There is no doubt..." about this or that speculation about what actually was or is going on. I wonder where they find their strength for such conviction.

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