Friday, March 25, 2005

Human daily idiocy

Why do we do, what we do? Why do we believe, what we believe? Many actions of daily life are so deeply embedded in our personalities, that normally we would never even remotely have the idea to question them, even though so many of our actions are - objectively - completely ridiculous.

Why do we mow the lawn? Why do we iron clothes? Why do women shave their armpits and legs? Why do people believe in Sta. Claus? It doesn't help that most of such strange beliefs and behaviors can be easily traced back to inventions, often as part of marketing campaigns. The purpose of brainwashing whole generations of women into believing that shaving their legs is a vital acitivity was and is: selling shavers. The purpose of dressing Sta. Claus in the corporate colors of Coca Cola was: selling Coca Cola. Who is behind ironing? The utility industry selling the electricity for these totally unnecessary power gobbling devices? I don't know, but I have the intense feeling mankind really wastes its time almost entirely with utter pointlessness.

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