Monday, January 17, 2005

The hole in the soul

Collectors and addicts are people with a hole in their soul. They try to fill the hole with things or substances, but naturally it all falls through. Their pathologic answer is to throw ever more into this hole that never fills up, until finally they themselves fall in.


  1. Ah, sir, this is true. But where does the hole come from? Do we have it from birth or does it grow with life experience? How does one fill the hole with things "internal" instead of "external"?

  2. Hi Druidia,

    you are asking an extremely valid question. If I would know a simple answer, I would patent it and get rich and famous. But no - that would mean falling into the same trap, wouldn't it?

    However, the number one requirement is: patience. One reason for getting into any kind of addiction is low self esteem, the overwhelming feeling of meaninglessness of everything, lack of belief in the self, and that, too, is inflicted on a person from the outside. So I would assume building up self esteem is important, and that requires to understand that status, outward success, looks - all the shallow modern clichés of society - are that which in fact is meaningless. The human counts. Human dignity. There are many ways, there are many paths out, organized ones, private ways - that totally depends on the concrete personal situation of the person. I think it is important to understand that what one person can do, another one can do too. It is always possible. It always goes on. There never is a reason to give oneself up.

    I am writing from Germany by the way, and our constitution begins with the words: "Human dignity is untouchable."

    Hope you are fine.
